
Medicare: Why We Need It

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“Delivering on the Promise of Medicare” and CFPC President’s Installation
In FMF 2014’s inspiring keynote address on Friday, November 14th, Dr Danielle Martin convincingly explained why and how Canada should be “Delivering on the Promise of Medicare.” Dr Martin affirmed that “Canadians want a health care system based on need, not the ability to pay.” She stressed three actions that must be taken to create the medicare system Canadians need:

  1. 20 drugs to save a nation—“1 in 4 Canadians cannot afford to take their medication as prescribed.” Include medication in national health care plan
  2. Doing more with less—eliminate unnecessary drugs and procedures
  3. Basic income—provide supplements to bring all Canadians up to an acceptable standard of living

Judging from the enthusiastic audience response, family physicians in Canada agree with Dr Martin’s vision.