Don’t miss College Square, located in the Exhibit Hall. Here are 11 things you should be sure to do:
- Drop by the booth of the Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine (FAFM, formerly known as the Research and Education Foundation) to view our showcase of 2016 award recipients
- Visit the Mainpro+® lounge to learn all about the new Mainpro+ website, terminology, and program; CFPC staff and Regional Educators will be available to answer your questions and provide demos of the new website
- Connect with and learn about the activities of the CFPC’s 10 provincial Chapters
- Visit the Self Learning booth to see the new mobile-friendly website of our subscription-based continuing professional development program
- Meet Canadian Family Physician (CFP) editors for advice on submitting manuscripts for publication and to learn more about becoming a peer reviewer
- Stop at the Education booth to hear about current initiatives, such as the recommendations the Advancing Rural Family Medicine Taskforce is developing to enhance the education, recruitment, and support of family physicians serving rural communities
- Peruse the great selection of items in the FAFM Silent Auction and bid on your favourites
- Learn more about the CFPC Mobile App
- Chat with Membership staff to hear about the value of membership in the College of Family Physicians of Canada
- Get an update on the Patient’s Medical Home initiative
- Sign up for the Walk for the Docs of Tomorrow—or make a donation—at the FAFM booth