If you missed a fabulous session at Family Medicine Forum (FMF) 2017 or weren’t able to attend last year, you can now catch up on some excellent learning opportunities with our 11 educational videos. What’s even better about this opportunity is that you can also earn Mainpro+® Self-Learning credits!
Watching these videos allows you to claim one Mainpro+ non-certified Self-Learning credit per hour of viewing. Please enter your credits as non-certified “online learning” in your Mainpro+ dashboard.
If you want to earn Mainpro+ certified credits you can complete a Linking Learning to Practice exercise. Please refer to the Linking Learning webpage for information on how to complete these exercises.
Choose from the following presentations:
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Atrial Fibrillation Guidelines: Management of AF for the family physician
Concussions: Implications of the new 2017 recommendations on your practice
Dermatology Dilemmas: Ten pearls for treating skin diseases/concerns in the family medicine office
Jeopardy: Rapid-fire pearls for common primary care presentations
Medical Assistance in Dying: A New Option for End of Life Care Demystified
Prenatal to Postpartum Care Navigating evolving guidelines
Quality: The fifth pillar of family medicine
Top 10 Articles of the Year in Emergency Medicine
Update on the 2017 Canadian Guideline for Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
Weeding Through the Evidence for Medical Marijuana
What’s New, True, and Poor: Evidence updates for clinically relevant primary care topics