Cap off Family Medicine Forum (FMF) by getting together with colleagues and friends at the FMF Celebration and Convocation on Saturday, November 12th. (Ballrooms A–C, Vancouver Convention Centre)
Our special ceremony acknowledges the achievements of individuals as they receive Certification in Family Medicine (CCFP), Fellowship (FCFP), Lifetime Membership (LM), and Certificates of Added Competence (CACs).
Gowns for those participating in Convocation are complimentary and can be picked up between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm in Ballroom D. Our Celebration starts at 3:30 pm and those participating in Convocation must arrive at the marshalling room (Ballroom D) for check-in at 4:00 pm. The Convocation ceremony runs from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm.